Blog tagged as firesafety

Keeping up to date

26/02/2024 10:02 - By Emma - Comment(s)
Keeping up to date
Blog post surrounding the latest HSE updates regarding First Aid in the Workplace.

It's nearly our Birthday!

06/01/2024 20:16 - By Emma - Comment(s)
It's nearly our Birthday!
As we approach our 15th Birthday, we look at how we've made it to this incredible milestone and how we plan to continue for the next 15 years.

More than just First Aid

28/08/2023 13:01 - By Emma - Comment(s)
More than just First Aid

Did you know in 2021/2022;

  • 36.8 million working days were lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury
  • 135 workers were killed in work-related accidents
  • 61,713 injuries to employees were reported under RIDDOR

Health and safety in the workplace is crucial for the well-being of emp...